Do not be afraid to love what you love. Stories, music, characters, even objects, these all become parts of us and all too often we feel ashamed or that we must hide them for one reason or another. But these things matter. They are important. They make us feel, they make us believe, they move us and they form us, and there is no shame in that. With people, those that you love, love unrestrainedly. Love wholly and deeply and in lights and sounds and colors and wonders and in calm and quiet. Love with your whole self, body and mind and heart and spirit. Yes, it is scary. And yes, there are times you will be hurt. Do not regret the love that you have given. Or worse, the love that you have not. And do not fault the love that you have not received. Love is not a trade or a bargain. And love is not a guarantee. Bukowski said: “find what you love and let it kill you.” Others have countered: “find what you love and let it bring you to life.” I don’t know who is right. Maybe both. But find what you love and let yourself love it.
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Love What You Love
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Do not be afraid to love what you love. Stories, music, characters, even objects, these all become parts of us and all too often we feel ashamed or that we must hide them for one reason or another. But these things matter. They are important. They make us feel, they make us believe, they move us and they form us, and there is no shame in that. With people, those that you love, love unrestrainedly. Love wholly and deeply and in lights and sounds and colors and wonders and in calm and quiet. Love with your whole self, body and mind and heart and spirit. Yes, it is scary. And yes, there are times you will be hurt. Do not regret the love that you have given. Or worse, the love that you have not. And do not fault the love that you have not received. Love is not a trade or a bargain. And love is not a guarantee. Bukowski said: “find what you love and let it kill you.” Others have countered: “find what you love and let it bring you to life.” I don’t know who is right. Maybe both. But find what you love and let yourself love it.