Two Poems on Perspective
Time Travel That moment, that time that you wish you could relive, revisit, just walk around in? There is no way to reach it. But there is every possibility that some future you might wish that they could revisit this very moment. What is it that they would long to see, long to do? Is there any way that just for a bit you might try to look through those eyes and through that wonder at the moment you are in? ————— Chasing the Horizon How tempting lies the horizon, so full of imagined possibility, and how eager our feet to take up the chase. But the pursuit yields only sorrow, for the closer we draw, the farther it pulls away. If we may pause for a moment and but consider that from some distant perspective that horizon lies not forever out of reach, but beneath our very feet. And that we now stand on ground that to another is only yet a dream