O Love (We Go On)
O love, how we wander in silences, heads down, eyes closed, knowing not where we are going or what lies ahead. And yet we go on. We press forward into the unknown, in some kind of trust, in some kind of hope. And yes, we may, we will stumble in the dark. And yet we go on. O love, though we may not think that we know you, though we may lose you, still, you are. And still we go on. We go on for somewhere, somewhere there is light and we will one day come to that place and we will lift our faces towards the sun. And we may think, o love, that in that light is where you are found. And yes, you are there. But love, you are, and you are here just the same. Though we may not see you, though we may not feel you, though we may not know you, you are. And so, even still, we go on.