Maybe I Can Offer a Kindness
There are days when the world hangs heavy on my soul and the grey of the sky mirrors the clouds in my mind and the tears carve rivers down my face and all that I can see is all that I cannot change, all that I cannot do. And the weight is so much more than my shoulders can possibly bear, that all that is left to me is to crumple to the floor in a heap. And how often, how viciously I have shamed myself when I cannot stand. Now I am trying to learn how to be gentle with myself, to speak softly and with kindness to my own heart. It is no easy thing, but I am trying. Maybe right now I cannot stand. Maybe all that I have is to lie here. And yes, I cannot change the world. But maybe I can offer a kindness to someone I love, to someone in need. And maybe that can be a practice towards offering myself the same. And maybe all that you have today is to lie here or to go through the motions or the absolutely minimum to get by. I do not have much, but I can offer you this: you are not alone, and this will not last forever. And maybe I can remember that too. - with special thanks to Jessica Kantrowitz